Delta Amateur Radio Club KL7DRC has member meetings on the second Tuesday of every month. This is an opportunity to conduct business and talk with other club members. We frequently try to present classes on Radio Topics of interest.
Location: Mt McKinley Bank Conference Room
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Members who are unable to attend meetings can participate remotely.
Zoom (workplace) video is available for those that cannot make it to a monthly meeting due emergencies, unforeseen circumstances, not in the area and such. This is not to be taken as an excuse to not physically attend a meeting unless communicated otherwise. It is instead for those that have last minute issues that may arise, illnesses or those that are truly out of town (ie..20 miles or more) and unable to attend. It will be available 5-10 minutes before 6pm:
* Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 854 9518 4011
Passcode: 531291